Yep I have Termites too

termite diagram

So lucky me, I found them outside and under the house, I have read a whole bunch and basically wrote this post about them.

How to Get Rid Of Termites Yourself

Termites are generally seen as small insects, but they cause significant damages. Worse still, is that they are not just destructive, but are very silent in their operations, which make them live and operate under your nose without your knowing. It may take you time to notice their presence, which might have been too late and your properties might have suffered for it. The major reason why termites are often found in houses, is simply because practically all houses has the sort of items termites thrives on, which are basically cellulose-based plants material. It least matters the construction pattern of the building; they (termites) will certainly get a way to reach their cellulose food.

Termites are known to feed on dead trees, plants and dead parts of living trees; hence they are referred to as Detritivores. Basically they feed on dead woods. Little wonder why they are always drawn to your books, shelves, furniture and even the foundation of your building when they infest your home.

Various Kinds of Termites

Termites may appear to be same, but they are of different types. Although the first thought that would come to one’s mind as you notice that your house has being invaded by termites is how to get those pesky little pests off your property, not really caring about their classification. However, it does no harm to have knowledge of what specifically you are dealing with.

Subterranean Termites

The subterranean Termites are a category/type of termites that have their colonies underground. For them to get to their sources of food – which are basically above the ground – they construct tunnels to serve as a link between their colonies(below the ground) and their sources of food (above the ground).They mainly depend on moisture for survival. Their queen lays thousand of eggs in its lifespan.

Dry-wood Termites

These termites are those that are mostly found in attic wood. Their colonies unlike the subterranean termites are built in woods. They survive in little moisture.

Damp-wood Termites

Damp-wood termites, as the name connotes are species of termites commonly found in damp decaying woods. They usually don’t build their colonies in the soil, but rather in damp woods found on the soil. You can easily tell if these termites have visited a wood if it appears smooth and cleaned out.

Formosan Termites

Sometimes the Formosan Termites are referred to as introduced subterranean termites because, like the subterranean termites, they nest underground. They infest structures from underground, through woods or mud tunnels which they construct. The distinguishing factor between the subterranean and Formosan termites is their ability to erect structures that retains moisture. Hence no need going back to the soil to get moisture.

How Do I Know if I Have Termites Infestation?

Most often, people get to notice their homes or properties are being infested by termites when huge blow has already been done. There are some indications that can alert you of the presence of these little fellows before it becomes rather too late. If par adventure you noticed winged visitors in your home or the soil around you building, be at alert. If also you notice mud tunnels or discarded wings in some certain places in your home, you also need to watch out. If you hit on wooden furniture or fitting in your home and it produces empty sounds like an empty vessel, then you may be safer to inspect and investigate if these pests have built a home in your home. If termite droppings (frass) are noticed around, this could also be an apparent sign that termites have invaded your property.

How Do I Naturally Get Rid Of Termites?

I’m quite sure that from the above, you can detect if these unwelcomed guests are around your home. Now if it happens that there is actually an infestation, what steps should you take?

Both chemical and natural methods can be employed to get them off. If you decide to go for the natural method, you’ll acquire beneficial nematodes. It’s not as difficult as it sounds. Beneficial nematodes are worms used in killing garden pests like termites. These nematodes dig into their host, in the process, their hosts die. These beneficial nematodes can be bought from your local garden supply online and offline. There are presently 5 various types you can select from.

Ensure you use up the nematodes immediately after they are bought, or preserve them in a refrigerator .UV light are harmful to these worms, hence ensure the worms are in the garden before sun rise and after sunset.

Another natural method to get rid of termites is by using a cardboard trap. Since termites feed on cellulose, and cardboard contains cellulose, you can set a trap by spraying on the cardboard to make the smell of the cellulose sharp. Now place the trap very close to an area known to be infested by termites. The termites get drawn by the smell of the cardboard, which gives you the opportunity to catch and burn them off.

Exposing termites to sunlight and the heat associated with it kills them. If your furniture has been infested by termites, find a way of getting it out of the house. The rays from the sun will handle your termite problem for you.

Also, exposing them to sunlight kills them. If you noticed your furniture is infested by termites, try to place the furniture outside the house, exposing them to the rays of the sun.

You could also get rid of termites by putting in measures in place for them not to thrive. In other words, try preventing them to save the cost of curing. Damp woods and bushes should not be found around the home, as these serves them shelter from sunlight. Ensure water leaks in your home are properly taken care of, as this invites termites.

Better still, boric acid could also be used to get rid of the termites. As a matter of fact, most of the insecticides you buy from stores have boric acid as their major ingredient. The acid kills termites by locking up their nervous system and having them dehydrated. For this method to be most effective, use bait stations. To do this, spray boric acid on wood and put them in strategic places where termites could easily reach. Ensure a constant check on these bait stations and re-spray the boric acid on the wood as desired.

In eliminating the drywood termites, orange oil is also an effective method. Orange oil is extracted from the peels of oranges. Since this oil is insoluble in water, you should get holes drilled into the termite infested wood, then pour the orange oil through the holes. Care should be taken when using this method, because some people tend to be allergic to the orange oil. The orange oil will either kill the termites when they come in contact with it or stops them from feeding, which eventually lead to their death.

Another effective way of killing termites is by heat fumigation. Termites are likely to die when exposed to temperatures that exceed 120F for up to or more than 35 minutes. Ensure all electronics/gadgets are out of the house before employing this method. Better still, a professional may be consulted for safety, more efficiency and effectiveness.

How Do I Get Rid Of Termites Using Chemicals?

The chemical methods include the use of arsenic dust which kills an entire colony, even if just a few members come in contact with it. This is as a result of the infected ones passing the arsenic trioxide to the others in the process of interaction. Termites are also affected and die when they feed on the termites killed by the arsenic dust. It is highly recommended that a professional is consulted on this, however, depending on your state of residence.

Also, Permethrin dust is also an effective chemical to use in getting rid of termites, especially in such cases where you need an instant result. A good option to spot treatment is the use of electric shock. Drywood colonies are normally electrocuted with 90,000 volts of power. An electric-gun is what should be used for this.

However, it poses great hazards trying to eliminate termites by chemical. Hence, if you are already contemplating the chemical method, it is highly recommended that you seek a professional assistance or advice before you begin.

When Do I Need a Professional Exterminator?

There are situations where termites’ infestations are in large scale, which may not be easy for you to adequately handle all by yourself. If you are faced with such a situation, then you need an expert exterminator services. It will be wise to do this because these experts have wide knowledge of how to handle infestation of any magnitude. They are skilled in the field and they will most likely do a thorough job of getting rid of those unwelcome guests. Ensure you check with the Structural Pest Control Board before you engage an exterminator company. It is also very important to ask for, and insist on a written agreement in a situation where the company promises to totally get rid of the termites for a specific period. By so doing, the exterminator will periodically come for inspections, to make sure the pests don’t return within the specified duration at no additional cost.

If you handle termite infestation lightly, the consequences will come to bear sooner or later, as you will have your properties damaged, thereby reducing the value of your property. But if they are properly handled as soon as the signs are noticed, then termites infestation will be a little situation to handle.

DIY Beehives


An apiary can be portrayed as any crater which houses a cluster of honey bees, e.g. hollow trees, holes in rocks, wooden boxes or in the customary straw skep. Honey bees should just be kept in portable edge hives; it makes administration considerably more direct and they can be frequently checked for irritations and illnesses. Honey bees kept in non-movable or settled edge hives will be investigated by NBU (Honey Bee Monitors) if regarded at danger. A movable casing framework helps sound colony administration and, more essentially, helps in the customary and intensive inspection of brood for signs of foul brood illness. Different plans of hives may be gotten from makers and gear suppliers. The National, Smith, Modified Commercial, Langstroth and Dadant are all single-walled sorts. Of these, the National and Smith are the most famous in England. It is recommended that only one type of hive is utilized so that the different parts are compatible. There is nothing more terrible than setting off to an apiary, just to find that you have carried with you the wrong kit for the wrong sort of hive. On the event that second-hand hives are acquired it is crucial that they are free from foulbrood disease and sanitized appropriately.

Bees can sometime be classed as a pest if out of control and in your back yard or garden, the key here is is they are swarming and dangerous and that is not easy to determine for someone who is not a bee expert. So it is best to call in a professional company as bees can be extremely dangerous as well as very useful and good for the environment. So please call out a professional, here is one we have used Encinitas Pest Control.

Defensive Apparel and Hardware

At the point when taking care of honey bees, defensive apparel and gear is compulsory to minimize the number of stings. This gives a certainty which permits productive province administration and close perception of honey bee conduct. Defensive attire ought to include:

  • A honey bee suit, or at the exceptionally least, a shroud, that will completely secure the head and face whilst permitting clear vision and free stream of air;
  • Suitable beekeeping gloves, for example, expendable latex gloves which give security and also can be either cleaned effortlessly or discarded. Sheep skinned leather gloves ought to be evaded because they may accommodate malady causing pathogens;
  • Wellington boots or, working boots with defensive toe tops.

Great apiary cleanliness is an imperative piece of apiary administration to keep the spread of pests and diseases either from apiary to apiary or, colony to colony. Dirty honey bee suits and poor apiary cleanliness, for example, not cleaning hive devices between every settlement or leaving uncovered wax, nectar or food will build these dangers.